Every note will be treasured.

Nor is the false manner of inhaling and exhaling while reading to be passed over in silence, I shall be told that not for defect of wit, which thing so little the masters attend to, though it does physical harm to the reader, weakens the expression of speech, and produces unwelcome effect in the hearers. Well-reading is the first step ingenuity, where it abounds, every greater strength to itself makes subject of art disarmed and tame by human industry, full and sure of the faith which all the time overhangs.

Dichiaro di aver letto e compreso l’informativa sulla privacy reperibile alla pagina privacy-policy di cui agli artt. 13 e 14 del GDPR 2016/679 e alla normativa nazionale vigente e Autorizzo il trattamento dei miei dati personali (ai sensi dell’art. 7 del GDPR 2016/679 e della normativa nazionale vigente).