Prototype T-0

OXD Sanatorium

Dr Alberto Alfeni, is the first to apply the method of cerebral inoculation of the vocational vaccine. In an article, published in 1910, Alfeni highlights the discovery of the vocational vaccine, its importance in the treatment of Aphasic Disorder, and its therapeutic properties. he expounds on the treatment practiced in the sanatorium. He wrote: ‘Let us consider the instrument of the vocational vaccine as the drug that stimulates the spiritual immune system to produce antibodies, deputed to fight the pathogenic micro modelers, spread by the “LinguaViva” contraption, which is the cause of disease disrupting the ability to communicate. This vaccine is the main vehicle for healing the impaired organism. It is essential, therefore, that it be properly purified of possible Lar messengers, to provide maximum effectiveness. This instrument, to be truly decisive, must be subjected to maximum freezing, so that the vaccine, in the first place, can guarantee the full recovery of the infirm and then guarantee maximum protection against the aggression of the dreaded Epicurean disease.

At the heart of this research is the analysis of two acquired language disorders. The inability to speak, known as aphasia, is a language disorder resulting from focal damage to the cerebral cortex. In particular, the case in question concerns Epicurean soldiers who have been affected by the system known as ‘LinguaViva’, a beam of electromagnetic waves with a particular frequency that causes damage to the cerebral hemisphere, specifically in Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas. These disorders represent deficits that affect the functions associated with articulatory production and comprehension of spoken language, respectively. In the case of Broca’s aphasia, the left third frontal circumvolution is involved, whereas in the case of Wernicke’s aphasia, it is the posterior portion of the left superior temporal gyrus that is affected. For this reason, these brain regions, also known as Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area, have been considered the neuroanatomical sites of language production and comprehension. This damage, generally located in the left half of the dominant cerebral hemisphere, is responsible for the loss or reduction of the ability to understand, communicate, read, and write. This disorder occurs in different forms, independent of problems with the phonatory apparatus or the auditory organ, and varies greatly depending on the injury sustained.

The motor form of aphasia, also known as aphasia, is manifested by the loss of the ability to express words, while comprehension or sensory aphasia involves the loss of the ability to understand words. This language disorder is acquired and can have significant consequences on daily life. Affected persons often experience communication difficulties, creating ideal conditions for their isolation. The magnetic waves to which the unfortunates are exposed by the “LinguaViva” system have the characteristic of producing microparalysis of the neuronal circuits assigned to those areas. This condition can be remedied through the procedures of the “Mutant Brain Helmet” and the “Vocational Vaccine”.

It is essential to emphasize that the multiple types of aphasia are distinguished according to the precise location of the brain lesion. The consequences can vary widely, but in general, the aphasic person faces significant challenges in comprehension and expression, making communication complex.
The competition is therefore for a regeneration of the affected areas and, at the same time, an administration of the vocational vaccine, which is responsible for weaving the new neuronal circuit patterns using models proven by the most fervent stoic saints.

The safety of contagion is guaranteed if the medicine possesses the necessary properties. In that case, we can say with certainty that it will be effective, quickly leading to relief from the disease, regardless of the individual’s constitution or the weather conditions.

However, there are some situations in which, despite the optimal state of the individual and the efficacy of the vaccine, challenges may arise that compromise its effect or mitigate it. These emergencies include the presence of heretical thoughts or deceptions hidden below the threshold of consciousness. In such cases, it is crucial to gain consensus and esteem in the subject’s ground, so that the vaccine can act more quickly and effectively.

During the rebirth process, the individual may be inclined to endure severe emotional changes, even if tempted to deny the beneficial force such sacrifices require. This inclination leads him towards a preservative virtue, capable of protecting against any degradation of matter.

We understand, therefore, the importance of providing spiritual support to disabled people when they go through these moments of trial, suffering, and illness. I am convinced that connecting with the meaning of the Stoic life allows you to reconcile with yourself and with the community of righteous men. Being able to accept the vulnerability of a personality who, once an assertive supporter of the decadent Epicurean lifestyle and is now subjected to the afflictions associated with it, in the search for appropriate meaning, constitutes a necessity in the life of that ailing man. These needs must be identified, listened to, and processed through our vocational therapy. I am also convinced that a regeneration path like this requires an education in stoic life: “The anxiety resulting from communicative deprivation is completely isolating.”

Like a concealed anathema, a vocative sometimes appears, but not so frequently. Once the individual has eliminated the last dross of old habits and has overcome all forms of hostility, healing will be ready to manifest itself with greater force through the action of the vaccine. This marks the beginning of the glorious path to vocation’.

From: The epic Stoic-Epicurean war